CIPS Exam Information

To successfully achieve a CIPS qualification, you are required to complete one computer-based exam per module of study. These examinations are designed to assess your understanding, knowledge and professionalism within the procurement and supply sector. You select the exact details of how you want to complete your exams. With multiple exam series available to you throughout your studies, and options of centre based, or remote invigilation, you can take full control of your CIPS course from the very beginning.

WHERE: Exam Centre vs Remote Invigilation

When registering for an exam, you have the option to complete it at a CIPS-approved exam centre or via remote invigilation. Exam centres are located across the UK and are also available in other countries across the globe. You can find your closest exam centre here. You also have the option to sit your exams remotely. There are specific requirements for sitting your exams remotely, you can find out more about this here.

WHEN: Exam Series

CIPS host exams four times a year, March, May, July and November. You can view their exam schedule here to begin planning your study timetable. We advise discussing your desired course completion timeline and study schedule with our team of Student Support Advisors and Tutors, ensuring you utilise the wealth of resources available to you for your exam preparation.

HOW: Objective Response (OR) and Constructed Response (CR)

While this isn’t a choice for your exam type for each module, you are able to select the order in which you sit your exams and how many you decide to study for at the same time. Making the structure of the course flexible to your knowledge base, familiarity, and schedule. There are two types of CIPS examination: objective response (OR) and constructed response (CR).

Objective response exams are multiple choice questions. This can consist of selecting an answer from a list of possible options, fill in the blanks by choosing options from a drop down menu, or dragging and dropping the answer in a response box.

Read the CIPS OR guide for further details.

Objective Response Exams Guidance Levels 2 & 3
Objective Response Exams Guidance Levels 4, 5 & 6

Constructed response exams require written answers. This will consist of a scenario or a data source, and the question will have a command word that prompts the requirements of the answer. This format of exam is found in the CIPS qualifications at levels 4, 5, and 6.

Read the CIPS CR guide for further details.

Constructed Response Exams Guidance

Booking your exams with DLC Training: CIPS Exam Fees

Exam fees differ depending on whether you are sitting exams in a physical CIPS-approved exam centre or via remote invigilation. There are also differences in fees for objective response (OR) and constructed response (CR) exams. Below you will find the different CIPS exam fees for each unit at every level.

Level 2 Certificate in Procurement and Supply Operations Type of Exam (OR/CR) Exam Centre Fee Remote Invigilation Fee
Complete all five Core units
Core Units
L2M1 Introducing Procurement and Supply OR £106.00 £124.50
L2M2 Procurement and Supply Operations OR £106.00 £124.50
L2M3 Stakeholder Relationships OR £106.00 £124.50
L2M4 Systems Technology OR £106.00 £124.50
L2M5 Inventory, Logistics and Expediting OR £106.00 £124.50
Package Prices
Level 2 £575.00 £667.50
Level 3 Advanced Certificate in Procurement and Supply Operations Type of Exam (OR/CR) Exam Centre Fee Remote Invigilation Fee
Complete four Core units and one Elective unit
Core Units
L3M1 Procurement and Supply Environments OR £106.00 £124.50
L3M2 Ethical Procurement and Supply OR £106.00 £124.50
L3M3 Contract Administration OR £106.00 £124.50
L3M4 Team Dynamics and Change OR £106.00 £124.50
Elective Units
L3M5 Socially Responsible Procurement OR £106.00 £124.50
L3M6 Socially Responsible Warehousing and Distribution OR £106.00 £124.50
Package Prices
Level 3 £575.00 £667.50
Level 4 Diploma in Procurement and Supply Type of Exam (OR/CR) Exam Centre Fee Remote Invigilation Fee
Complete eight Core units
Core Units
L4M1 Scope and Influence of Procurement and Supply CR £147.00 £168.00
L4M2 Defining Business Need OR £106.00 £124.50
L4M3 Commercial Contracting OR £106.00 £124.50
L4M4 Ethical and Responsible Sourcing OR £106.00 £124.50
L4M5 Commercial Negotiation OR £106.00 £124.50
L4M6 Supplier Relationships OR £106.00 £124.50
L4M7 Whole Life Asset Management OR £106.00 £124.50
L4M8 Procurement and Supply in Practice CR £147.00 £168.00
Package Prices
Level 4 £1,002.00 £1,155.00
Level 5 Advanced Diploma in Procurement and Supply Type of Exam (OR/CR) Exam Centre Fee Remote Invigilation Fee
Complete five Core units and three Elective units
Core Units
L5M1 Managing Teams and Individuals CR £147.00 £168.00
L5M2 Managing Supply Chain Risk OR £106.00 £124.50
L5M3 Managing Contractual Risk OR £106.00 £124.50
L5M4 Advanced Contract and Financial Management CR £147.00 £168.00
L5M5 Managing Ethical Procurement and Supply OR £106.00 £124.50
Elective Units
L5M6 Category Management OR £106.00 £124.50
L5M7 Achieving Competitive Advantage Through the Supply Chain OR £106.00 £124.50
L5M8 Project and Change Management OR £106.00 £124.50
L5M9 Operations Management OR £106.00 £124.50
L5M10 Logistics Management OR £106.00 £124.50
L5M15 Advanced Negotiation OR £106.00 £124.50
Package Prices
Level 5 £1,002.00 £1,155.00
Level 5 Advanced Diploma in Procurement and Supply Type of Exam (OR/CR) Exam Centre Fee Remote Invigilation Fee
Complete four Core units and three Elective units
Core Units
L6M1 Strategic Ethical Leadership CR £147.00 £168.00
L6M2 Global Commercial Strategy CR £147.00 £168.00
L6M3 Global Strategic Supply Chain Management CR £147.00 £168.00
L6M4 Future Strategic Challenges for the Profession CR £147.00 £168.00
Elective Units
L6M5 Strategic Programme Leadership OR £106.00 £124.50
L6M7 Commercial Data Management OR £106.00 £124.50
L6M8 Innovation in Procurement and Supply OR £106.00 £124.50
L6M9 Supply Network Design OR £106.00 £124.50
L6M10 Global Logistics Strategy OR £106.00 £124.50
Package Prices
Level 6 £969.00 £1,108.50
Complete all five Core units
Core Unit 
L2M1 Introducing Procurement
and Supply
Type of Exam (OR/CR) OR
Exam Centre Fee £106.00
Remote Invigilation Fee £124.50
Core Unit 
L2M2 Procurement and
Supply Operations
Type of Exam (OR/CR) OR
Exam Centre Fee £106.00
Remote Invigilation Fee £124.50
Core Unit 
L2M3 Stakeholder Relationships
Type of Exam (OR/CR) OR
Exam Centre Fee £106.00
Remote Invigilation Fee £124.50
Core Unit 
L2M4 Systems Technology
Type of Exam (OR/CR) OR
Exam Centre Fee £106.00
Remote Invigilation Fee £124.50
Core Unit 
L2M5 Inventory, Logistics
and Expediting
Type of Exam (OR/CR) OR
Exam Centre Fee £106.00
Remote Invigilation Fee £124.50
Package Prices
Exam Centre Package £575.00
Remote Invigilation Package £667.50
Complete four Core units
and one Elective unit
Core Unit 
L3M1 Procurement and
Supply Environments
Type of Exam (OR/CR) OR
Exam Centre Fee £106.00
Remote Invigilation Fee £124.50
Core Unit 
L3M2 Ethical Procurement
and Supply
Type of Exam (OR/CR) OR
Exam Centre Fee £106.00
Remote Invigilation Fee £124.50
Core Unit 
L3M3 Contract Administration
Type of Exam (OR/CR) OR
Exam Centre Fee £106.00
Remote Invigilation Fee £124.50
Core Unit 
L3M4 Team Dynamics
and Change
Type of Exam (OR/CR) OR
Exam Centre Fee £106.00
Remote Invigilation Fee £124.50
Elective Unit 
L3M5 Socially Responsible Procurement
Type of Exam (OR/CR) OR
Exam Centre Fee £106.00
Remote Invigilation Fee £124.50
Elective Unit 
L3M6 Socially Responsible
Warehousing and Distribution
Type of Exam (OR/CR) OR
Exam Centre Fee £106.00
Remote Invigilation Fee £124.50
Package Prices
Exam Centre Package £575.00
Remote Invigilation Package £667.50
Complete eight Core units
Core Unit 
L4M1 Scope and Influence
of Procurement and Supply
Type of Exam (OR/CR) CR
Exam Centre Fee £147.00
Remote Invigilation Fee £168.00
Core Unit 
L4M2 Defining Business Need
Type of Exam (OR/CR) OR
Exam Centre Fee £106.00
Remote Invigilation Fee £124.50
Core Unit 
L4M3 Commercial Contracting
Type of Exam (OR/CR) OR
Exam Centre Fee £106.00
Remote Invigilation Fee £124.50
Core Unit 
L4M4 Ethical and
Responsible Sourcing
Type of Exam (OR/CR) OR
Exam Centre Fee £106.00
Remote Invigilation Fee £124.50
Core Unit 
L4M5 Commercial Negotiation
Type of Exam (OR/CR) OR
Exam Centre Fee £106.00
Remote Invigilation Fee £124.50
Core Unit 
L4M6 Supplier Relationships
Type of Exam (OR/CR) OR
Exam Centre Fee £106.00
Remote Invigilation Fee £124.50
Core Unit 
L2M5 Inventory, Logistics
and Expediting
Type of Exam (OR/CR) OR
Exam Centre Fee £106.00
Remote Invigilation Fee £124.50
Core Unit 
L4M7 Whole Life
Asset Management
Type of Exam (OR/CR) OR
Exam Centre Fee £106.00
Remote Invigilation Fee £124.50
Core Unit 
L4M8 Procurement and
Supply in Practice
Type of Exam (OR/CR) CR
Exam Centre Fee £147.00
Remote Invigilation Fee £168.00
Package Prices
Exam Centre Package £1.002
Remote Invigilation Package £1,155
Complete five Core units
and three Elective units
Core Unit 
L5M1 Managing Teams
and Individuals
Type of Exam (OR/CR) CR
Exam Centre Fee £147.00
Remote Invigilation Fee £168.00
Core Unit 
L5M2 Managing Supply
Chain Risk
Type of Exam (OR/CR) OR
Exam Centre Fee £106.00
Remote Invigilation Fee £124.50
Core Unit 
L5M3 Managing Contractual Risk
Type of Exam (OR/CR) OR
Exam Centre Fee £106.00
Remote Invigilation Fee £124.50
Core Unit 
L5M4 Advanced Contract
and Financial Management
Type of Exam (OR/CR) CR
Exam Centre Fee £147.00
Remote Invigilation Fee £168.00
Core Unit 
L5M5 Managing Ethical
Procurement and Supply
Type of Exam (OR/CR) OR
Exam Centre Fee £106.00
Remote Invigilation Fee £124.50
Elective Unit 
L5M6 Category Management
Type of Exam (OR/CR) OR
Exam Centre Fee £106.00
Remote Invigilation Fee £124.50
Elective Unit 
L5M7 Achieving Competitive Advantage
Through the Supply Chain
Type of Exam (OR/CR) OR
Exam Centre Fee £106.00
Remote Invigilation Fee £124.50
Elective Unit 
L5M8 Project and
Change Management
Type of Exam (OR/CR) OR
Exam Centre Fee £106.00
Remote Invigilation Fee £124.50
Elective Unit 
L5M9 Operations Management
Type of Exam (OR/CR) OR
Exam Centre Fee £106.00
Remote Invigilation Fee £124.50
Elective Unit 
L5M10 Logistics Management
Type of Exam (OR/CR) OR
Exam Centre Fee £106.00
Remote Invigilation Fee £124.50
Elective Unit 
L5M15 Advanced Negotiation
Type of Exam (OR/CR) OR
Exam Centre Fee £106.00
Remote Invigilation Fee £124.50
Package Prices
Exam Centre Package £1,002
Remote Invigilation Package £1,155
Complete four Core units
and three Elective units
Core Unit 
L6M1 Strategic Ethical Leadership
Type of Exam (OR/CR) CR
Exam Centre Fee £147.00
Remote Invigilation Fee £168.00
Core Unit 
L6M2 Global Commercial Strategy
Type of Exam (OR/CR) CR
Exam Centre Fee £147.00
Remote Invigilation Fee £168.00
Core Unit 
L6M3 Global Strategic Supply
Chain Management
Type of Exam (OR/CR) CR
Exam Centre Fee £147.00
Remote Invigilation Fee £168.00
Core Unit 
L6M4 Future Strategic Challenges
for the Profession
Type of Exam (OR/CR) CR
Exam Centre Fee £147.00
Remote Invigilation Fee £168.00
Elective Unit 
L6M5 Strategic Programme Leadership
Type of Exam (OR/CR) OR
Exam Centre Fee £106.00
Remote Invigilation Fee £124.50
Elective Unit 
L6M7 Commercial
Data Management
Type of Exam (OR/CR) OR
Exam Centre Fee £106.00
Remote Invigilation Fee £124.50
Elective Unit 
L6M8 Innovation in
Procurement and Supply
Type of Exam (OR/CR) OR
Exam Centre Fee £106.00
Remote Invigilation Fee £124.50
Elective Unit 
L6M9 Supply Network Design
Type of Exam (OR/CR) OR
Exam Centre Fee £106.00
Remote Invigilation Fee £124.50
Elective Unit 
L6M10 Global Logistics Strategy
Type of Exam (OR/CR) OR
Exam Centre Fee £106.00
Remote Invigilation Fee £124.50
Package Prices
Exam Centre Package £969
Remote Invigilation Package £1,108.50

The fees listed above are for UK-based learners/centres. We can provide you with more details regarding each country upon request.

Please note: To allow our teams to provide you with the highest examination support, we advise that you schedule all exams through our online portal. This allows us to provide you with feedback and guidance following your exam sitting if required. Examinations can be paid for individually – via online payment and prior to exam booking deadlines, or as part of an exam package which can be included in your original course invoice. Exam packages must be utilised within 24 months of purchase unless otherwise discussed.

Exam packages include one exam attempt per module, resits are charged separately and while DLC Training will do their utmost to offset any increased charges, where required you will be charged additionally if CIPS exam fees increase. Admin fees for exam packages are charged accordingly – speak with our advisors to find out more about the options available to you.