The aims of this session at Wetherby were specific to students studying with DLC&T on CIPS (Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply) programmes.

The objectives of the day were to update the students on changes to the CIPS programme structures and assessment procedures and the way in which the exams will be affected. There was also the opportunity for students to network with others undertaking similar learning and from professions carrying out similar lines of work; a chance for the students to meet members of the DLC&T team and a chance to have their individual questions answered.

Based on the feedback received from the attendees, the objectives were met and the students felt that the seminar was very helpful and worthwhile. The staff really enjoyed the opportunity to meet up with lots of the students too and put some faces to the names and voices they have been dealing with. Everyone is already very excited about the next seminar which is being planned.

The student support seminars are designed to assist students with their studies, reviewing any poignant information from the awarding bodies, and providing the opportunity for networking with professionals from not only the UK, but internationally. The events aims to provide opportunities for a mixture of lecture based sessions, teambuilding exercises and one to one tutorial support.

The student support seminars are delivered by a group of skilled professionals, with subject and industry experience. The events will provide a range of professional support services for students and co-ordinate information. Furthermore, the chance to mix with the College team and your peers will be instrumental to your success. The concept of studying distance learning can be difficult to adapt to as balancing your work life/studies/personal life, can at times be confusing and difficult. The College team will be happy to help if you have questions or encounter difficulties that you wish to discuss. On this basis, attendees are able to approach anyone within the support team with concerns or questions they have. The person you talk to will have expertise in specific areas, but should also be able to refer you to the best source of specialist advice or information within the College network.

The College focuses on ‘The Student Experience’. This encompasses all aspects of student life whilst they study with us, from considering the College as a place to study, through anything that impacts on their life while on programme.

The student support seminars part of “The Student Support Experience” process, you are able to continue to make contact with your peers by utilising the seminar blogs you will be able to stay in contact and share information;

  • Maybe you have a comment about a particular event or service or have done something that you’d like to share
  • You might have important information to share about your studies
  • Have had to tackle difficult experiences during your studies

The student support seminars are held on a regular basis; please continue to monitor communications to ensure you don’t miss the experience.