Nicola Baines
CMI Level 7 Extended Diploma
Can you tell us a bit about the course you are studying at the DLC Training?
I was studying for the Level 7 in Strategic Management, in order to gain confidence in my role.
What is your day-to-day role?
I am General Manager for the NHS trust. I Manage 3 areas with the Medical Directorate. Responsible for a large multi-disciplinary team which consists of Admin Staff to Consultants.
What encourages you to start a course in management?
I had just started my role as General manager, and I felt that I was missing some underpinning knowledge for the strategic management aspects of my role.
How have you found the course and the information provided?
The information provided was very detailed. The course itself I enjoyed and felt that it definitely challenged me.
What feedback do you have on the course and your experience as a learner with us?
Personally, I should have set stricter deadlines – this is the only negative, I feel, for self-directive learning as no-one is there to question why you have not completed the assignments on a weekly basis. It was good to know that my Tutor, and support was available when I needed it.
What excites you most about the future of the sector?
Management with my sector is changing rapidly, although it is becoming very frustrating, I still feel that I can make a difference. This course has given me the confidence and belief that I can still do this.
What do you think the biggest challenges will be in the future?
Apart from financial challenges, we are set for a huge change due to merging. Getting people on board and cross site working is going to be a challenge.
How big a role do you believe technology will play in the future of the sector?
Technology is definitely the way forward. We should be embracing new technology and making sure this is working for us.
How do you see the sector developing in the next 10 to 20 Years?
Part of me feels that we will go round in circles before improvements are made. But that is purely based on the workings of the NHS. Trusts need to be a bit more risk adverse and let services try things that are abit radical as this is the only way we can make changes and improvements for the trust and patient care.
What would you say to encourage more people to begin a career within the profession?
Don’t take things to heart. Listen and understand situations, and learn to pick your battles. Apart from that find one thing each day that you felt good doing. This feeling will get you through the rough patches.
How important do you believe it is that the sector looks to young professionals to help shape its future?
Without young professionals coming through, there will be no section. We should be encouraging new ways of thinking and working with the younger generation, along with bringing in new technologies.
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