Michaela Dowle
IoSCM Level 5 Extended Diploma
Michaela Dowle’s IoSCM Level 5 Extended Diploma experience
Could you tell us a little bit about yourself?
Hi, I am Michaela best known as Mickey, I’m a keen football player and love to travel, however like everyone else the pandemic has been in the way. I, like many others, can’t wait for normality again so I can start visiting other countries.
Could you tell us a bit about what you do?
I’m currently a Supervisor within the Procurement and Supply Chain Department for BDSG Ashchurch. I’m responsible for a team of 12 employees from Warehouse Management to Material Forecast and Availability. Oversight of all priorities and tasks within an Operational Environment is an integral part to my role ensuring the people, tools and processes are in place to safely deliver outputs against the plans. I have to ensure that all our systems are updated providing accurate information for decision making and visibility for the wider business.
What is the next step in your career progression?
My next step for progression would be Supply Chain Manager, moving onto senior management later on. I aim to complete both my Project Management Qualification (APM) and IoSCM Level 7 – Supply Chain, however I am keen to learn more and gain more experience prior to this.
Which course did you study with DLC Training?
I studied IoSCM Level 5 – Supply Chain and Operational Management (Extended Diploma) the reasoning for this was because I completed my level 3 within the Armed forces and wanted to further my education and development within my civilian role. I was always told within school that I would never be able to achieve a degree as I wasn’t intelligent enough to get past my GCSE maths let alone any A Levels. I may have gone the longer route around by completing my functional skills and NVQ’s but I aim to achieve a degree to prove to myself I am able to do this.
How have you been able to use your learning within your workplace?
The study books and learning within the course has been good, and I have been able to put into practice some of the tools and techniques learnt. The best thing for me was being able to ask the questions to work colleagues or line management to gain their experiences and see things from a different perspective, it surprising what you do know when you put your mind to it.
Would you recommend your course to another professional looking to develop themselves?
I would definitely recommend a course to another professional, I have no faults in the complete experience to be honest. Help was always there when required and either called or emailed within good time.
How have you found your learning experience overall?
Hard at times as anything would be, but overall, a great experience!
If you would like further information on any of our courses – get in touch! Our skilled specialists are available to answer your queries on:
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Email: info@dlctraining.co.uk