Bite-size learning has been around for quite a while; individuals and organisations are beginning to understand that being over-burdened with vast amounts of information is not always the best method for instruction. Presently, the emphasis has been on offering individuals reduced ‘Bytes’ of information to process and therefore permitting step by step development over time.

Typically, outside of formal educational settings, this is how we learn. At the point when we need information, we usually access the material we need; only occasionally will an individual need to read a full instruction manual if they seek just a fraction of the information with which to get by. Along these lines, individuals adjust well to this type of learning. It also fits well around our lifestyle; because as most of us know, there is a limit to what can keep our minds interested. Bite-size learning is a perfect method to maintain motivation, especially with industry-specific education. During these trying times, with the COVID-19 lockdown and the social distancing situation, some individuals are gravitating towards this awareness and are finding an opportunity during this time, to participate in bite-size education.

For many of us, with a reduced income from being furloughed and possible future loss of jobs, it is now time for personal reflection. Acknowledging this might be the perfect chance to gain more education in either your field of knowledge or learn something entirely different for the future. This is a great way to be more competitive in tomorrows job market and at the same time, possibly ease the trepidation of what career challenges may lie ahead.

If you have ever thought about expanding your knowledge in either your own area of expertise or other subjects, why not take a look at the short courses we offer through Network 360, there is a wide selection of courses from management, logistics, purchasing, warehousing, human resources, supply chain and accounts, so there is something there for everyone! For current students there is also a 30% discount currently available, why not click on the link below to check out the courses on offer:

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Enter discount code thirtypercentoff!!!
To utilise the fantastic discount currently available.

Good luck to you all studying and if you require any assistance do not hesitate to contact DLC.

*Discount is available during the COVID-19 pandemic